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MUDR-257 카나데 카논은 야구부의 훈련 캠프를 찾고 있기 때문에 집에 갈 수 없어서 결국 상담사와 방을 공유하게 되었고, 남자 친구가 있음에도 불구하고 총에 맞았습니다.

다음 중:

Baseball clubs are holding training camps to prepare for summer tournaments. Advisors, managers and members of the baseball team head to training camp for rehearsals. When we split into two groups for preliminary inspection, we discovered that the train home was canceled due to the typhoon. We have no choice but to stay in different hotels. A counselor who shared a room with Caron was attracted to Carons attractive body and forced him to have sex with her student. The sex was almost like rape but obviously the cock was in good condition and she fell in love with the grown cock easily... A taboo NTR story between a student and a teacher

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