JUL-894 졸업식 후에…어른이 된 너에게 간비로부터의 선물―. 카자마 유미

다음 중:Its been three years since Yuu left home, and her long student life has come to an end in the blink of an eye, and its finally time for her graduation ceremony. On the way home, a little lonely without her parents, the person who came over with a smile on her face was...her mother-in-law, Yumi. Yuu cant hide her happiness when her mother-in-law, who she secretly considers to be a woman, comes to visit. Yumi, who was having too much fun celebrating their graduation just the two of them, arrives at the inn with him taking care of her. Then, he receives a gift from his stepmother, whom he admires, to celebrate her departure, and he begins to become an adult once again. Yuji, who has studied abroad and lived at school. After three years of school life preparations, he received the news that her father, Kazama Yumi, had remarried, and then he was there to join her! ? Yuji is a stranger to the unknown, and his mother is a smiling mother...


